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3 smoothie recipes to make in the rush of everyday life

Quick and practical recipes to make in the rush of the week always save us, don't they? That's why we've separated 3 delicious smoothie recipes for you to try at home, so write it down!

Banana smoothie

- 2 tablespoons of rolled oats

- 1 large banana, sliced ​​and frozen

- Almond milk (or any other milk)

- Cinnamon powder

Pitaya Smoothie

- 1 cup of frozen pitaya

- 2 frozen bananas

- Vegan milk (or any other milk you prefer)

- A handful of mint

- ½ mango sliced ​​and grated coconut on top

Mango Smoothie

- 1 cup frozen mango

- ¾ cup of yogurt of any type

- 1 frozen banana 

optional: splash of milk or water if you need help on blending the smoothie

Remembering that the use of frozen fruits makes the smoothie thicker and more refreshing! Tell us babe, which of the recipes above are you going to try?

3 smoothie recipes to make in the rush of everyday life